LNG & CNG Solutions
From on-site production, storage and regasification, to transportation, delivery and customer support, our solutions open up the delivery of abundant, domestic, clean energy to new users, for new uses.
Our LNG solutions fill a critical gap in the LNG market – small-scale liquefaction infrastructure – and we’re working to turn the potential of broad adoption of LNG into reality.
We create customized offerings that help companies reach their business goals while reaping the benefits of LNG.
Partnering with gastec Energy allows customers to utilize less expensive, clean-burning natural gas by creating safe, comprehensive systems that meet their specific business needs with the goal of zero performance loss. From mining, to oil and gas, agriculture and beyond, our small-scale LNG solutions allow companies in multiple verticals to take advantage of the versatility of LNG as a replacement for diesel. From cost savings to emission reduction, Gastec’s services safely bring the benefits of LNG directly to its customers – many for the first time.

We have an unrivaled track record and deep industry expertise.
Founded in 2011 by Industry Veteran Kingsley Jackson, Gastec Energy is the leader in design, construction, commissioning and operation of small-scale LNG plants. Our core team pioneered the development of small-scale natural gas over a decade ago, revolutionizing fuel solutions. Small-scale natural gas operator in Africa & Caribbean.
Gastec Energy is the partner of choice for mining companies, and the first small-scale natural gas operator with a presence in the Bakken.
We believe in the role that natural gas will play in the creation of a diverse energy future.
Natural gas is an acknowledged key player in the development of the right energy solution for today and tomorrow. LNG offers greenhouse gas reductions of up to 25 per cent compared with fossil fuels, offers a stronger safety record than any other hydrocarbon fuel, and spurs domestic job growth. It has also helped bring US carbon emissions to their lowest levels in 20 years.